After Action Reports & Scenario Analysis

T1: Gavin Take

Scenario Source

Classic ASL (Avalon Hill)
The General 24.2 (Avalon Hill)


* Hall of Fame: 2002 Scenario Hall of Fame, by Robert Wolkey, ASL Journal 4:15 (2002, Multi-Man Publishing)

Background Notes/Designer Notes




* Squad Leader Clinic: The 1987 ASL Tournament Joseph Suchar (scenario analysis), The General 24:2:16-17 (reprinted ASL Classic: 11 (1997, Avalon Hill Game Company))
* Commander's Notebook, by Phillipps, Pete, View From the Trenches 1 (View From the Trenches '95 (issues 1-6) (ZIP file)) :3 (Mar-95, Philipps, Pete)
* A VASL setup for the Germans

After Action Reports

Sam Belcher vs. Erwin Lau (another source)
Thomas Nordstrom vs. Dana Linfield
American: Chas Argent vs. German: Strix
??? vs. Erwin Lau

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This page last updated 7/24/04

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